As we settle back into the rhythm of everyday life, this is an opportune moment to pause and reflect on the year just passed and the journey ahead. Let this be your invitation to go within, gently guiding yourself towards the path you wish to tread in the coming months, and sowing the seeds for your future.
Yoga offers us so much practical guidance in life. Here are some of its most powerful insights to consider as you settle into the new year.
Embrace the present
It’s so easy to get caught up in dwelling on the past and anticipating the future, especially at this time of year. We get it - even we are advising you to do that! But what if, instead, you invited yourself to be fully in the moment, embracing life as it unfolds with openness and awareness? Instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, can you offer yourself moments of mindfulness and gratitude in the here and now? Take time each day to pause, breathe, and connect with the present - whether through meditation, mindful movement, being in nature, or whatever allows you to find a moment of mental stillness.
Practise self compassion
As you embark on the year ahead, remember to be gentle with yourself. In yogic philosophy, we call it ‘Ahimsa’ meaning ‘non-violence.’ Practise ahimsa towards yourself by honouring your journey, acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses, and offering yourself the same kindness and compassion that you would extend to a dear friend. Forget about new year’s resolutions, and all the things you didn’t ‘achieve’ last year. Instead, embrace the natural unfolding of your unique life, and allow yourself the space to learn and grow from your experiences.
Trust the process
Trust that you are exactly where you need to be on your journey. Embrace the twists and turns, the ups and downs, knowing that each experience is a valuable teacher guiding you towards greater wisdom and understanding. In yoga philosophy we call this ‘Ishvara Pranidhana’ and it’s all about surrendering to a higher power. Trust that the universe has a plan for you even when things may seem uncertain or challenging.
Set intentions, not resolutions
Rather than setting rigid resolutions that may feel restrictive or overwhelming, consider setting intentions that reflect your values, aspirations, and deepest desires. Intentions are like seeds planted in the fertile soil of your heart, ready to bloom and blossom in the year ahead. Reflect on what truly matters and what you hope to cultivate in the coming months, whether it’s greater love, compassion, joy - or something else that’s equally beneficial to both yourself and the world around you.
Before diving into this list, you may consider creating a sacred little space and taking some relaxing breaths. You could write your answers down in a journal, or simply contemplate them whilst walking in nature or lying on your bed. This is not something to add to your to-do list, but an invitation for reflection and clarity - so let it feel good.
Identify your core values
Consider the things that mean the most to you. You might start with 10 values. See if you can condense that list down to three or five. How have these values influenced the past year of your life? Have your actions aligned with your core values?
Reflect on your core values
Over the past year, in which areas of your life have your core values aligned? In what areas do you feel they could be improved?
Incorporate your core values
What actions can you take to integrate your core values into your life more fully? What steps can you take to align your actions with your deepest values and create the life you desire?